Tonde Buurin video information

The following are the videos relating to Tonde Buurin that have been released.

This is not a complete list.

Tonde Buurin TV Series Volume 1

Chou Shoujo, Buurin Tanjou
  • VT: COVC-4515, 3800 yen
  • Released: 1995.02.21
  • Price: 3800 yen
  • Time: 72 minutes
  • Contains TV episodes 1-3

This tape has episodes 1-3 on it, unfortunately there are no extras or anything at the beginning or end, just a commercial for Buurin music goods. The cover has Karin, Ton-chan, the Pearl Buuretto, and the Dream Tonpact all floating in space with Buurin-go Sei in the background. It also comes with an insert paper which includes the OP/ED lyrics, staff/cast lists, and some small pictures.

Tonde Buurin TV Series Volume 2

Go! Go! Buurin!!
  • VT: COVC-4516, 3800 yen
  • Released: 1995.02.21
  • Price: 3800 yen
  • Time: 72 minutes
  • Contains TV episodes 4-6

This tape contains episodes 4-6 plus a Buurin music goods commercial. Again there are no extras. The tape comes with an insert sheet very similar to the first one, but with different pictures and the necessary changes to the staff/cast lists. The cover is very nice with Buurin in the front and a scene of Karin changing into Buurin behind her.

Tonde Buurin TV Series Volume 3

Diet Daisakusen!
  • VT: COVC-4517, 3800 yen
  • Released: 1995.02.21
  • Price: 3800 yen
  • Time: 72 minutes
  • Contains TV episodes 7-9

This tape includes episodes 6-9 and a commercial for Buurin music goods. No extras, but comes with an insert sheet with OP/ED lyrics, staff/cast lists, and some pictures. The cover has Kouichi and Buurin on a yellow background with red/pink hearts.

> Tonde Buurin


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