Hitoshi Doi's anime page

Welcome to Hitoshi Doi (doi@usagi.org) 's anime page. A text version of this page is also available.
The following anime WWW pages are available. Just click the icons.

Magical Girls/Shoujo TV series

Cute OAVs/TV series


[voice_actor_database] [event_reports]

These pages are being updated almost daily, so if you find any bugs or would like to see other information, send me mail at doi@usagi.org.

Since there are many MANY pages, I have started a RSS 2.0 feed.

I like to go to seiyuu and idol and anime events when I have some time.. You can read some of my event reports.

I also like to take photos at the events and photo sessions.

I like collecting computers, anime cels, telephone cards, trading cards, and UFO catcher dolls.

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There is a full text search service for the usagi.org web pages.

usagi.org search service

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