Akazukin Chacha episode 9
Then Marin shows up and gives Riiya an invitation card for the Hinamatsuri party she'll be holding at her place that day. [Hinamatsuri is the Girl's -Dolls'- festival, held on March] But Chacha and Shiine aren't invited. Chacha does not know what Hinamatsuri is though. [title screen] Rushing back home, Chacha asks Seravi why they have never had any Hinamatsuri party before. Seravi replies that's because he's a boy and always forgets it. When Chacha asks for a doll to be the Princess doll of that day, Seravi shows her a ancient fighter doll [that should be displayed on Boys' Day, in May!], that Chacha happily takes for the Princess. So Chacha starts to get everything ready for the party. But then Shiine and Riiya arrive, followed by Dorothy who inadvertently talks too much about that not-a-Girls' doll. Chacha realizes Seravi fooled her, and runs away, yelling he's an idiot. In the Dark Castle, Sorges apologizes for his last trick (which failed pitifully, as always) and says he has a much better one: Mikeneko. When Seravi confesses to Dorothy that he's a boy therefore has always forgotten to celebrate Hinamatsuri, Dorothy retorts he shouldn't have lied to Chacha. Then Seravi begs her to help him to find something nice for ChaCha. Riiya and Shiine are following Chacha, who yells she will run away from home. Since she's starving, Shiine and Riiya/fox catch fishes in the river. Then they cook them but fight over the biggest ones. But when Riiya and Shiine pretend they are just 'teasing' each other, not quarelling, they realize that the fishes they just cooked have disappeared and been eaten by a giant cat.. who turns to be a cute cat-car designed by a strange cat-lookalike scientist, who will treat them to his house to repay for the fishes he just ate. Unbeknownst to them, this scientist is Mikeneko that Sorges told about not long ago. Mikeneko's house is like a big cat, but the inside is full of cat-pawn traps that try to trample Chacha, Riiya and Shiine. Later all 3 are sucked up by a giant vacuum cleaner and dumped into the scientist's giant trashcan. But he apologizes, pretending that was just a demo of his defense system. [CM break] Since Shiine, Riiya and Chacha _stink_ because of their short stay in the trashcan, the scientist takes them to his hot bath. There are separate doors for boys and girls.. that connect inside because that's a mixed bathing, much to Riiya's and Shiine's happiness [^_^] that Chacha quickly knocks down. But then the bathroom is filled up with water and soap, then a large wheel starts spinning, as if they were ensnared into a giant.. washing machine. Meanwhile, the scientist waits patiently for the washing cycle to end, and is disappointed to see that Chacha, Riiya and Shiine are still alive. So he takes them to a big buffet full of delicious meals, but the 3 kids are locked on their seat and force-fed by robots that quickly go crazy under Mikeneko's control. Hopefully Chacha, Shiine and Riiya set free and leave, leaving behind the cat robots broken into _small_ pieces. As they leave the house, the roof of the house opens and a giant robot appears: Nyandabar Z. [as Mikeneko speaks, a Thunderbirds music parody is being played ^_^] Mikeno takes control of the robot and attacks the kids, as they take a ride on their flying brooms and try to escape. But the robot is too fast and kicks them down to the forest. Then he throws thousands of cat missiles at them. After a while, they get cornered on a rock ledge, so Chacha invokes a spell that would give her 'anything to lure a cat': all she gets is a clockwork mouse toy, and she throws away with anger. But the last and most powerful cat missile follows the mouse and eventually explodes. To get rid of Mikeneko and Nyandabar Z once for all, Chacha transforms into the Magical Princess Holy Up, and with a single shot blasts them both. But Mikeneko is safe because he had a parachute. Later at night, Shiine, Chacha and Riiya sleep in a cavern outside, but Chacha cannot sleep since her stomach is still empty.. so Shiine suggests to go back home. But then a large stand full of presents appears in mid air, with delicious food and "real" Hinamatsuri dolls. There's also a letter for Chacha from Seravi, saying that he apologizes for having forgotten Hinamatsuri in the past and swears he'll hold a party next year. As they start gulping down the buffet, Seravi's and Dorothy's faces appear from under the Prince and the Princess dolls' masks, smiling. At the Dark Castle, the Daimaou isn't very pleased of today's Sorges performance for obvious reasons. But Sorges invokes some other evil spirit..
[Akazukin Chacha TV episode guide]
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