Akazukin Chacha episode 31

Episode Title
Tokkun ga ippai!
[A lot of special training!]
Air Date
  • Summary by Steve Yu, 1998.06.06
Chacha has the Phoenix Sword, but she can't quite control it effectively. This was demonstrated by Seravi who instructed the Magical Princess to destroy a giant toy dinosaur. The sword destroyed the everything but the target. Seravi suggested that she finds a teacher to train her.

First, they went to Rascal, but couldn't understand a word he says. Then they looked for Orin's grandfather, who trained them on using traps and fake targets. They felt very confident and were attacked by Access. The Princess lost control of her sword while Shiine and Riiya blocked her from Access' sword.

He raised his sword to destroy them but was strangely overcome at the mention of Shiine's name. This hesitation was time enough for Chacha to regain her sword and force Access to retreat. With this victory, the trio celebrates at Dorothy's castle while Access observes from a distance.

[Akazukin Chacha TV episode guide]

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(c)Ayahana Min/Shuueisha, TV Tokyo, NAS