Kaitou Jeanne Trading Collection

[left] [front] [right]
There are 54 cards in the Kaitou Jeanne Trading Collection set. There are 9 puzzle cards, 36 normal cards, and 9 prism cards.

[back] A pack of cards contains 10 cards, and costs 300 yen. Each pack has 1 prism and 9 normal or puzzle cards. A box contains 15 packs, and costs 4500 yen.

With one box, one can get three sets of the puzzle and normal cards, and 15 prism cards.


> Kaitou Jeanne
>> cards


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(C) 種村有菜/集英社・テレビ朝日・東映アニメーション
(C)Tanemura Arina/Shuueisha, TV Asahi, Toei Animation