Fourth Night "Sayonara no Ato ni.."

This drama is on the Sotsugyou Vacation drama CD, track 7.

Sotsugyou girls in this story are: Yukie, Ryoko, Izumi, Mami, Megumi, Saori, Shizuka, Mika, Maina, Misako

Megumi was going to exorcise the ghost, and set up a force field and told the girls to stay there.

Then the ghost came. Megumi threw an anti-ghost paper on the ghost and started exorcising him. The ghost cried out for help. Then Yukie left the field, ripped off the anti-ghost paper, and helped the ghost escape.

Yukie and the ghost ran off. The ghost asked, "Why did you save me? You fell in love with me?"
Yukie snapped back, "Don't say stupid things!"

Then the ghost explained to Yukie that the rumor was true about him being an evil ghost. He said that he couldn't trick Yukie any more, so he said that he would disappear. The ghost said he was happy to be able to meet Yukie. Then he disappeared.

Later the ghost came back, and said Megumi looked just like his first love, Megu-chan.

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Sotsugyou Vacation


(c) 毎日コミュニケーションズ/マーカス
(c) Mainichi Communications Inc., Marcus