Sotsugyou Vacation game play

The basic idea of Sotsugyou Vacation is to go to the various locations during the day, to look for clues of the treasure, and to become friends with the girls. The game takes place from August 2 to August 30.

At dinner time, the girls will all gather and talk about the day's events and the next day's plans. There will be seven "groups" every day. (Three of the girls going out alone, two pairs, and two larger groups.) Each group will plan to go to a certain location, and will usually go there once during the day (either morning, noon, or afternoon).

Each day, the player chooses which location he wants to go to in the morning, noon, and afternoon. He can go to the same location every time, or different locations. The player's previous actions don't affect which locations the girls go to. But the player's actions do affect what happens when you meet the girls.
[I need more data to be sure of this. - H.Doi]

There is a textual database of all planned and actual locations that the girls visit each day.
[data provided by H.Doi.]

There is also a search engine to look for certain data in this database.

When the player meets the girls, there is a short conversation with them, with the text appearing on the screen. This conversation (girls' speech) is not voiced. Sometimes there is a question and the player has to answer a multiple choice question. This usually happens when there are multiple girls, and the player has to "choose" one of the girls with his answer.

The rare cases are when the girl's speech is voiced, or when the player has to play a mini game. When the speech is voiced, the action (a series of stills) becomes full screen. The words are also on the screen.
[It is possible to get rid of the speech bubble by pressing the L2 button down.. to get a nice full screen picture.]

Also there are times when one of the girls come to the player's room at night, after dinner. In this case the scenes are full screen and the girl's speech is voiced.

The daily events of the player are as follows.

  • choose the location for the morning
  • choose the location for noon
  • choose the location for the afternoon
  • listen to the girls at the dinner table
  • [option] save the game, modify game settings
  • [sometimes] one of the girls come to talk
  • sleep

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Sotsugyou Vacation
(c) 毎日コミュニケーションズ/マーカス
(c) Mainichi Communications Inc., Marcus