School Festa episode 1

Event School Festa episode 1
Location Tower Funabori
Date 2005.12.25
Time 18:30 - 20:30
Cost 1500 yen
Guests Polka Dot
Saaya (ºéºÌ)
Sagami Jun
many others
  • Event report version 0.6 by Hitoshi Doi, 2005.12.28

This was a singing event by cosplayers, organized by the cosplay group Polka Dot. It took place in the small hall in Tower Funabori, which was still pretty large, compared to the many small live houses and halls that these events take place in. It could easily seat a few hundred people. There were around 40 people in the crowd for this event.

I went to see Saaya, and this was her 20th singing event. She was wearing a very frilly white one piece.

The event flowed as follows.

  • Polka Dot (1 song)
  • HAL (2 songs)
  • Chawakko (2 songs)
  • Saaya (3 songs)
  • Sagami Jun (2 songs)
  • Sagami Jun and Aya (1 song)
  • Aya (2 songs)
  • Tsukikage Sensei
  • Polka Dot
  • [encore] everyone (2 songs)
The songs for the encore were "Ichigo Go! Go!" and "Tenbatsu Angel Rabbi".

Saaya sang "Eternal Destiny", "Kagayaki Cylume", and "Kujibiki Unbalance". "Kagayaki Cylume" and "Kujibiki Unbalance" was a medley.

After the event, during the lobby time, Saaya was still wearing the frilly white one piece, but she also wore a santa hat.

photo notes

I brought my 20D and took 1459 photos with 661 of them worth keeping. The number of photos per girl was as follows.

Saaya 570
Sagami Jun 75
Polka Dot 16

[event reports]
[Cosplay event reports]
[Saaya event reports]

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