Shiina Hekiru on Cafe City Yokohama
Event | Shiina Hekiru on Cafe City Yokohama |
Location | Minato Mira 21 Studio (Yokohama) |
Date | 1994.11.18 |
Time | 12:00 - 12:30 |
Cost | free |
Guests | Shiina Hekiru (ÄÇ̾¤Ø¤¤ë) one member of the grou Melody |
- Report version 0.1 by Hitoshi Doi, 1994.12.29
[I'll update this after I watch a video of the TV show.]
It was very crowded and a fight almost broke out between the fans
of Melody and Shiina Hekiru..
Photos allowed without flash.
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