Idol Style - 2002.09.10
Kubo Asaka was wearing a blue yukata, and sang three songs. Then after Passhu sang a few songs, Asaka came out wearing the same outfit as Passhu, and sang one song together. [skipping Nakanishi Miku and Tanaka Hiromi] The LaLaLu girls were wearing white tube tops (with the LaLaLu logo), and short frilly skirts. Sara was wearing a black skirt, Noa was wearing white, and Mae was wearing pink. There was also the letters "La", "La", and "Lu" printed on the left upper arms of the girls. Sara was "La" (large), Mae was "La" (laughs), and Noa was "Lu" (luv). Their stage flowed as follows.
Mae said that she went to the beach in Shounan, and wore a pink bikini. Sara said that she went to Okinawa, and wore a black bikini. Sara asked why Noa was so tanned, and Noa said that she got tanned riding her bicycle everyday. Noa, Sara, and Mae usually sing the alto parts in the LaLaLu songs. But since they were the only ones for this stage, they said they practiced the soprano parts too. Also since there were only three of them, they changed the dances a little. At the end of the event, Asada Yumi (the producer of LaLaLu) sold some pictures of the LaLaLu girls (2L sized at 400 yen each), while the LaLaLu girls stood behind her. They didn't have enough pictures, so they sold out right away.
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