Kira Kira Melody Gakuen mini stage - 07/22 16:25

Event Kira Kira Melody Gakuen mini stage
Date 2000.07.22
Time 16:25
Seiyuu Nagai Nobuko (±Ê°æ¿®»Ò)
Tsuchiya Mieko (ÅÚ²°Èþ·Ã»Ò)
Mito Yoko (»°¸ÍÍλÒ)
Matsumoto Chiyomi (¾¾ËÜÃÒÂåÈþ)

On 7/22 at 16:25, the Kira Melo mini stage event featured Nobuko, Mieko, Yoko, and Chiyomi.

Everyone was wearing yukata, very cute!

They sang the Kira Melo Kouka. Chiyomi and Mieko talked for a while as Nobuko and Yoko danced in the background to the Kira Melo Kouka..

Then all the girls taught the crowd how to do the dance. Chiyomi and Mieko explained the moves, and they all did each of the moves one part at a time. After explaining, they did the actual dance.

[Tokyo Character Show 2000]

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