Black Moon


I am Rubeus (ルベウス) of the Black Moon family. I have come from the 30th century to look for the rabbit and the ginzuishou.

My mission was to lead the Ayakashi sisters to find the rabbit. After kidnaping the Sailor Senshi I was killed when my spaceship exploded in episode 74

In the anime, my voice is done by Takagi Wataru (高木渉).


I am Esmerodoo from the Black Moon. I took over after Rubeus was killed in episode 74, and my mission was to open the dark gate.

Wiseman turned me into a dragon in episode 84. Then I was killed.

In the anime, my voice is done by Koyama Mami.

Prince Demando

I am Prince Demando from the Black Moon. I first appeared in episode 74.


I am Safiiru from the Black Moon. I first appeared in episode 74, and got killed in episode 86.


I am Wiseman. I lead the Black Moon's invation to earth.

My true identity is Death Phantom.

Black Lady

I am the black Lady of The Black Moon. I used to be Chibi-Usa, until wiseman turned me evil in episode 85. I could use the Luna-P to form weapons.

I was later turned back into Chibi-Usa by Usagi.

[Sailor Moon characters]

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> Characters
(c) 武内直子・講談社・テレビ朝日・東映動画
(c) Takeuchi Naoko, Koudansha, TV Asahi, Toei Douga