Sailor Moon S/Supers Carddas set 9

The Sailor Moon S/Supers carddas set 9 contains 42 cards. (numbered 323 to 364) There are 36 normal cards and 6 prism cards.

323 PZ Super Sailor Moon
324 PZ Sailor Chibi Moon
325 P Sailor Mercury
326 P Sailor Mars
327 P Sailor Jupiter
328 P Sailor Venus
329 P Tuxedo Kamen
330 P Usagi
331 P Chibi Usa
332 P Ami
333 P Rei
334 P Mako
335 P Minako
336 P Chiba Mamoru
337 P Luna and Artemis
338 P Naru and Umino
339 P Pegasus
340 P Zirconia
341 P Tigers Eye
342 P Hawks Eye
343 P Fish Eye
344 PZ Sailor Saturn
345 P Hotaru
346 L Super Sailor Moon
347 L Moon in middle; Mars, Chibi Moon holding hands
348 L Princess Snow Kaguya/Sailor Moon
349 L Luna in human form
350 L Usagi and Mamoru
351 L 5 girls in school uniform
352 LZ Uranus, Pluto, Neptune
353 L split screen 5 girls
354 L Uranus and Neptune
355 L Mistress Nine/Sailor Moon
356 L Hotaru and Tomoe
357 L Sailor Saturn
358 LZ Sailor Saturn and Chibi Usa
359 L Sailor Moon
360 L Sailor Moon holding baby Hotaru
361 L Chibi Usa and Pegasus
362 L Dead moon
363 L Sailor Moon getting kaleid moon scope
364 LZ Sailor Moon and Sailor Chibi Moon

[Sailor Moon cards]

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(c) 武内直子・講談社・テレビ朝日・東映動画
(c) Takeuchi Naoko, Koudansha, TV Asahi, Toei Douga