Love Gaku

Event Love Gaku 1
Location Ikebukuro Big Bang Box
Date 2011.02.26
Time 12:00 - 16:00
Cost 2000 yen (-refund)
Host Maru Maru Gakuen Housoubu
Guest Itou Asuka (°ËÆ£¤¢¤¹¤«)
Fujisaki Touko
  • Event report version 0.5 by Hitoshi Doi, 2011.03.01

This was the first of the Love Gaku series events hosted by the group Maru Maru Gakuen Housoubu.

Ikebukuro Big Bang Box was a small hall in a residential area, and the stage was also pretty small.

draw roles for audio drama tokimemo snow flower first live four songs mai chan kiku chan first live four songs audio drama cinderella twin shell auction some guests brought personal items asuka touko asuka kira melo medley mayu nao audio drama akazukin hibiki mion 3 songs touko 3 songs auction maru gaku payback 31 paying customers 300 yen finale some of the maru gaku girls and guests make some snacks or food and sold them around 300 yen each


I brought my new 60D and EF24-105F4L IS lens, and my compact camera (Powershot S90). Photos, videos, without flash allowed at all times.

[event reports]
[Itou Asuka event reports]
[Maru Gaku event reports]

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