Beer Tengoku Tour 2001

Event Nouryou Beer Tengoku
Location Yaesu Fujiya Hotel (Tokyo/Yuurakuchou)
Date 2001.08.13 - 2001.08.17
2001.08.20 - 2001.08.22
Time 17:30 - 21:30 [beer tengoku]
18:45 - 19:15 [first stage]
20:15 - 20:45 [second stage]
Guest Choubakuretsu Ranman Musume
  Miyanishi Noa (µÜÀ¾Çµ°¦)
  Akimoto Noe
  Hayashi Akari
  Agarita Aki
Cost 1600 yen per 2 hours
  • Event report 0.8 by Hitoshi Doi, 2001.08.24

The Nouryou Beer Tengoku event at the Yaesu Fujiya Hotel (near Tokyo and Yuurakuchou stations) took place from 8/13 to 8/17, and 8/20 to 8/22 (8 days total). It was an all you can drink (beer, shouchuu, soft drinks) for 1600 yen for 2 hours. Beer Tengoku is from 17:30 to 21:30.

They had a live stage at 18:45-19:15 and 20:15-20:45. The performers were four of the Choubakuretsu Ranman Musume members (Agarita Aki, Akimoto Noe, Hayashi Akari, Miyanishi Noa). The other members couldn't perform as they were underage.

Each stage flowed the same, but the songs and outfits were different. The first song was a group song. Then there was a short introduction of the group (Choubakuretsu Ranman Musume) and the four individuals (Noe, Noa, Akari, Aki). Then there was another group song. After that there was a duet by Noa and Akari or Noa and Noe. (Pink Lady songs here!) Then Aki sang a solo, walking around the crowd (asking for tips). Then there was a "last" song by the group. But there was also an "encore" song. The total time of each stage was around 30 minutes.

They allowed pics, videos, anything! So I ended up taking 53 rolls of pictures (7 negatives and 46 positives). Almost 2000 photos! (^_^; I was really trying to hold back with the pics too, except for the very last day. I kept track of the type of film used during this event.

It was a really great selection of songs. Lots of Candies and Pinky Lady and Morning Musume. The girls danced a LOT. A lot more than usual for Noa. (^_^;

The song lists are on separate pages (in Japanese).. [just the ones Noa sang (^_^;]

[Beer Tengoku Tour 2001]

event reports
> Beer Tengoku