Idol Chu-Mail 5
The first part was the KOX idol final audition. The six remaining girls were: Hirano Midori, Naruyama Michiko, Sekine Miyuki, Maekawa Asa, Aikawa Chie, and Fujisawa Mikiko. Each girl sang one song, and then talked with the emcee for several minutes, as the emcee asked several questions. Then everyone in the crowd voted. While they were counting the votes, Ezawa Noriyo came out and sang two songs. The winners of the audition were Hirano Midori and Fujisawa Mikiko. After the audition, the first guest was Heart Chu. Heart Chu sang Tururu Daishouri, N'est ce pas, Kira Kira, and Daisuki. Heart Chu explained why they sung N'est ce pas at the previous event, First Class Students Live without the usual standing mikes. The floor of the Piaza Hall is wooden, and since they now wear sandals, the sound of their steps echos through the standing mikes. So they sang with the hand mikes, and their dance was different from usual. But for this event, they used the stand mikes as the floor wasn't wooden. Then they announced that there will be a Heart Chu photo collection book coming out. But there was a condition. They had to get over 1000 reservations. Then Tanaka Hiromi sang 4 songs and Akino Hitomi sang 6 songs.
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