Live Pure-ful vol 4

Event Live Pure-ful vol 4
Location Pagoda (Akihabara)
Date 2000.04.19
Time 19:30 - 22:30
Cost 3000 yen
Guests Tsuchiya Mieko (ÅÚ²°Èþ·Ã»Ò)
Shintani Sayaka (¿·Ã«¤µ¤ä¹á)
Takahira Jun (¹âÈæÎɽã)
Suzuki Madoka
Inoue Komugi
Mikey Finn
  • Event report version 0.7 by Hitoshi Doi, 2000.05.25

Heart Chu was the main guest of the monthly idol live called Live Pure Ful 4. This event was held in a small live house at the edge of Akihabara (Pagoda), and it was packed full. The stage was pretty small, but there was a live band.

At the beginning of the event, all the guests were introduced on the stage, and they sang Haru Ichiban.

Each of the guests sang two or three songs, and it was a very long event.

At around 21:30, Heart Chu came onto the stage. They sang Tururu Daishouri, N'est ce pas, Kira Kira, and Daisuki.

Also since it was only a couple days after Jun's birthday, there was a surprise Happy Birthday to Jun. Jun was very surprised and happy, and she had tears running down her face.

They allowed pictures and videos, but I didn't bring my good camera.. (;_;) When I called and asked Mras about photos, the guy on the phone said that pictures were not allowed. Since I didn't want to carry my heavy camera, I didn't bring it. I had my digital camera and my libretto, so I just took some pics with that and took videos of some songs. The camera on my libretto isn't that good, but since I was in the front row, the video turned out pretty decent. But the sound was terrible.. The built in mike can't handle the loud volume of the live house.

[Kira Kira Melody Gakuen events]

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