Pokemon Baseball Rulebook (Out)

Out Rule (アウト・ルール)
Pitcher's HP + Pitcher's AP
(ピッチャー HP + ピッチャー攻撃)
150 160 - 170 180 - 190 200 - 210 220 - 230 240 - 250 260+
1 Grounder3 (6)StrikeoutStrikeoutStrikeout StrikeoutStrikeoutStrikeout
2 Grounder3 (4)Grounder3 (6)Strikeout Strikeout StrikeoutStrikeoutStrikeout
3 Grounder4 (6)Grounder3 (4)Grounder3 (6) Strikeout StrikeoutStrikeoutStrikeout
4 Grounder4 (4)Foul (5)Grounder3 (4) Grounder2 (6) StrikeoutStrikeoutStrikeout
5 Foul (5)Foul (3)Foul (5)Foul (3) Grounder2 (4) Grounder2 (6)Strikeout
6 Foul (3)Foul (5)Foul (3)Foul (5) Foul (3)Foul (5)Foul (3)

  • Grounder2: batter is out. All runners advance one base.
    ゴロ2: バッターがアウト。全ランナーは1塁進む。

  • Grounder3: if there are runners, leading runner is out. Batter is safe. All other runners advance one base.
    ゴロ3: 先頭ランナーがアウト。バッターはセーフ。 それ以外のランナーは1塁進む。

  • Grounder4: if there are runners, leading runner and batter is out. All other runners advance one base.
    (But if batter's retreat is 0, batter is safe.)
    ゴロ4: 先頭ランナーとバッターがアウト。 それ以外のランナーは1塁進む。
    (しかし、バッターのにげるが 0 の場合、バッターはセーフ。)

  • Foul: Foul fly, if fielder makes an error, it becomes a strike.
    ファール: ファールフライ, 野手がエラーしたら ストライクになる。

> Pokemon Baseball
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