Genshi, Joshiha, Taiyou datta

Genshi, Joshiha, Taiyou datta (Uesaka Sumire)

released 2013.07.10
1700 yen

This CD+DVD package contains the opening song to the TV anime Genshiken Nidaime (げんしけん 二代目).

The CD tracks are as follows.

  1. げんし、女子は、たいようだった。 (Genshi, Joshiha, Taiyou datta)
  2. テトリアシトリ (Tetori Ashitori)
  3. げんし、女子は、たいようだった。 (Off Vocal Ver.)
Songs by Uesaka Sumire (上坂すみれ).

This is the second solo single by Sumire.

The DVD contains a promo video of "Genshi, Joshi ha, Taiyou datta"

There are three versions of this CD.

  • First press with DVD (KICM-91455)
  • Regular press (KICM-1457)
  • Anime press (KICM-91456)
The CD+DVD comes in a cardboard sleeve. The picture on the sleeve is basically the same as the front cover and back cover, but there is a photo of Sumire in the front.

There are also a few photos of Sumire inside the lyrics booklet.

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