Seiyuu Internet broadcastsUnfortunately, it was hard to record these (none of them allow downloads), and the reception wasn't too good because of the lack of network bandwith in Japan at night (or poor performance of the server). In the early and mid 2000's, the number of seiyuu, anime, and game related broadcasts on the Internet really took off. There were more Internet broadcasts than radio shows. Recently, many radio and TV shows have simultaneous broadcasts or
are rebroadcast/archived on the Internet,
so the difference between Internet and radio/TV is starting to fade.
In addition to the radio and TV programs, more and more anime, game, and seiyuu events and press conferences are being broadcast on the Internet. The Tokyo Game Show, Anime Japan, various game events and tournaments, and various publisher's events in Akihabara have been broadcast live on the Internet recently.
Some of the current Internet broadcasts that I follow are as follows.
Some of the recent Internet broadcasts (that have ended) that I followed were as follows.
Some of the early Internet broadcasts that I followed were as follows.
search the internet database
The search string can be anything, like a seiyuu name, show name, etc..
Some regular expressions will work, and all searches will be done in a
case insensitve manner.
When typing in names, use the "LASTNAME FIRSTNAME" order.
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