Drama CD Haiyore! Nyaruko-san EX

Drama CD Haiyore! Nyaruko-san EX

released 2010.06.25
3150 yen

This CD contains audio drama for the Haiyore! Nyaruko-san novel. This is the second drama CD for Haiyore! Nyaruko-san.

The tracks are as follows.

  1. プロローグ
  2. 未知なる慰安を湯気に求めて
  3. ドキッ☆ 邪神だらけの温泉旅館〜グサリもあるよ(フォーク的な意味で)
  4. When the moon's reaching out the stars
  5. エピローグ
  6. キャストコメント
This CD came out before the TV anime, and the cast is slighty different from the TV anime. The cast is as follows.

NyarukoAsumi Kana
Yasaka MahiroKitamura Eri
KuukoMatsuki Miyu
HasutaKugimiya Rie
Yasaka YorikoInoue Kikuko
ShantakkunKaneda Tomoko
NodensShimada Bin
Kurei TamaoHikasa Youko
Yoichi TatehikoKawahara Yoshihisa
narrationFuruya Tohru

[Haiyore! Nyaruko-san CDs]

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