Den'ei Shoujo Original Soundtrack
Den'ei Shoujo Original Soundtrack
VICL-281 released 1992.03.27 3000 yen
This CD contains vocals and BGM for the OVA
Den'ei Shoujo (電影少女) Video Girl Ai.
The tracks are as folows.
- Ureshi Namida (うれし涙) [Sakai Noriko]
- Ano Hini (あの日に) [Kimura Maki]
- Ashita ha Ashita (明日は明日) [Katsura Masakazu]
- Message (メッセージ) [Nav Katze]
- Glass Moon (硝子 Moon) [Sudou Mayumi]
- Theme of Takashi
- Kanashimi no Tamashii wo Tsumugumono
- Master of Gokuraku
- Searching for Ai
- Sukinandesu (好きなんです) [Kimura Maki]
Songs by Sakai Noriko, Kimura Maki, and others.
The lyrics booklet contains some rough storyboards and color screen shots
from the anime.
The CD itself has a color picture of Ai and some other images of
the Video Girl Ai characters.
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