First Love Chuuihou!

First Love Chuuihou! (Pyxis)

released 2016.08.24
3600 yen+tax

This CD+DVD package contains the first album by the seiyuu group Pyxis, made up of Itou Miku (伊藤美来) and Toyota Moe (豊田萌絵).

The CD tracks are as follows.
  1. First Love 注意報!
  2. Shiny Day
  3. 新しいキミ
  4. Please! Please!
  5. 恋でした
  6. ハズム恋リズム
  7. Welcome! My Best Friend
  8. 13番
  9. トキメキセンセーション! (Album Mix)
  10. Hatsukoi no Toge (初恋の棘)

The DVD contains a promo video of "Hatsukoi no Toge", and a making of video.

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