Galaxy Angel Character File 02

Galaxy Angel Character File 02
Ranpha Franboise

released 2003.06.27
1500 yen

This CD contains character songs for the TV anime Galaxy Angel.

The tracks are as follows.

  1. Little Secret
  2. Oasis
  3. Fortune Love (extended club remix)
  4. mini drama "Ranfa no Kurai Doki Doki Yuuenchi"
Songs by Tamura Yukari (Åļ¤æ¤«¤ê).

The cast of the drama is as follows.

Ranpha FranboiseTamura Yukari
Millefeuille SakurabaShintani Ryouko
Mint BlancmancheSawashiro Miyuki
Forte StollenYamaguchi Mayumi
Vanilla HKanai Mika
Takuto MyersUeda Yuuji
ghostYasumura Makoto

[Galaxy Angel CDs]

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