23 Ji no Ongaku

23 Ji no Ongaku
Kanno Yoko feat. Sakamoto Maaya

released 2002.05.25
1575 yen

This is a solo album by Sakamoto Maaya (坂本真綾).

The tracks are as follows.

  1. Two Things
  2. Here
  3. Daniel (ダニエル)
  4. Pepper Stretch
  5. Kissing the Christmas Killer
  6. Trust Me
  7. Noel (ノエル)
  8. Fad (ファド)
  9. Tarukan (タルカン)
  10. Penguin Shurinin (ペンギン修理人)
  11. Mujouken Spectrum (無条件スペクトル)
  12. Toto
  13. Kajitsu Knife no Shi (果物ナイフの死)
  14. Noel no Piano (ノエルのピアノ)

[information provided by Emily K.]

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