Last Exile O.S.T

Last Exile -Fam, The Silver Wing- O.S.T

released 2011.12.21
2940 yen

This CD contains vocals and BGM for the TV anime Last Exile Gin'yoku no Fam.

The tracks are as follows.

  1. Silver Wing
  2. Buddy [TV ver.] (Sakamoto Maaya)
  3. Sanctuary
  4. Heart in the Right
  5. Back to the Place
  6. A Rose in the Wind (Hitomi)
  7. Original Sin
  8. Amazing Land
  9. National Disappearance
  10. Sky to Recovery
  11. Tail Wind
  12. Wings of Honor (Hitomi)
  13. My Favorite Home
  14. Ominous Clouds
  15. Failed to Resolve the Crisis
  16. Gamesmanship
  17. Red-letter Warfare
  18. I've Got Friends (Hitomi)
  19. Sorrows of Life
  20. Rolling Take-off
  21. Reconciled My Fate
  22. Merciless Attack
  23. Critical Points
  24. The First Exile
  25. Starboard (Hitomi)
Songs by Sakamoto Maaya (ºäËÜ¿¿°½).

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