Last Exile O.S.T
Last Exile -Fam, The Silver Wing- O.S.T
VTCL-60286 released 2011.12.21 2940 yen
This CD contains vocals and BGM for the TV anime
Last Exile Gin'yoku no Fam.
The tracks are as follows.
- Silver Wing
- Buddy [TV ver.] (Sakamoto Maaya)
- Sanctuary
- Heart in the Right
- Back to the Place
- A Rose in the Wind (Hitomi)
- Original Sin
- Amazing Land
- National Disappearance
- Sky to Recovery
- Tail Wind
- Wings of Honor (Hitomi)
- My Favorite Home
- Ominous Clouds
- Failed to Resolve the Crisis
- Gamesmanship
- Red-letter Warfare
- I've Got Friends (Hitomi)
- Sorrows of Life
- Rolling Take-off
- Reconciled My Fate
- Merciless Attack
- Critical Points
- The First Exile
- Starboard (Hitomi)
Songs by Sakamoto Maaya (ºäËÜ¿¿°½).
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