One Way Ryouomoi

One Way Ryouomoi

released 2009.11.11
1200 yen

This CD contains the ending song to the TV anime Kampfer (けんぷファー).

The tracks are as follows.

  1. One Way Ryouomoi (ワンウェイ両想い)
  2. Tatakae Moralism (タタカエ☆モラリズム)
  3. One Way Ryouomoi (unstoppable delusion=mpulse remix)
  4. One Way Ryouomoi (instrumental)
Songs by Senou Natsuru ( Inoue Marina (井上麻里奈) ) and Sakura Kaede ( Nakajima Megumi (中島愛) ). The lyrics booklet marks which parts are sung by which seiyuu.

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