
Destiny (Matsumoto Rica)

Pioneer PICA-1067
released 1995.07.12
3000 yen

This is a solo album by Matsumoto Rica (松本梨香).

The songs are as follows.

  1. Balance of the Mind
  2. Jungle Love
  3. Breath
  4. Sa - I - Te - I
  5. Asuhe no Free Way (明日への Free Way)
  6. Never forget my love
  7. Rain
  8. Brand-New Heart (〜あなたの夢になれないけれど・・・〜)
  9. Totsuzen Cool na I Miss You (突然 Cool な I Miss You)
  10. Sayonara (さよなら)
The lyrics booklet is all color, 16 pages.

Rica wrote the lyrics to Sa - I - Te - I, Rain, and Sayonara.

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