Feel For Love

Feel for Love 〜愛をさがして〜 (S-nery)

1000 yen
released 1997.02.21

These are the opening and ending themes for the AM-Kobe S-nery radio show, as well as the songs in the Playstation "Iina" game.

The songs are as follows.

  1. Feel for Love 〜愛をさがして〜
  2. 千のプラトー 〜愛について語るとき僕たちが語ること〜
  3. Feel for Love 〜愛をさがして〜 (original karaoke)
  4. 千のプラトー 〜愛について語るとき僕たちが語ること〜 (original karaoke)

S-nery is made up of Kuwashima Houko (桑島法子), Maeda Konomi (前田このみ), Maeda Chiaki (前田千亜紀), and Katsuragawa Chie.

[information provided by Joe Petrow.]

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