Animate Expo 2002 Kanon

Event Animate Expo 2002 Kanon
Location Toshima Koukaidou
Date 2002.01.13
Time 16:00 -
Cost free (need postcard)
Guests Kouda Mariko (國府田マリ子)
Kisaichi Atsushi
Tamura Yukari (田村ゆかり)
Kawakami Tomoko (川上とも子)
Minaguchi Yuko (皆口裕子)
  • Event report by Stephen Lee, 2002.01.16

This is an Animate Expo 2002 event celebrating the new Kanon TV series. You have to send a return postcard in advance for a ticket. The event took place on 2002-01-13 (my birthday), 16:00 at Toshima Koukaido in Ikebukuro.

There was a large crowd of people outside when I arrived at 15:10. The staff lined people up in the park opposite from the hall, and let 10 people in at a time. My ticket was numbered in the 800s and close to the end. It took the whole hour before the event to let people in.

Since I got a high number, I have to stand in the back (I think there were almost enough seats if not for the (somewhat empty) reserved ones for press and guests). I was behind the camera guy so I had a very good (though far) view of the stage.

The seiyuus who showed up were MC Kisaichi Atsushi (Yuichi), Kouda Mariko (Nayuki), Tamura Yukari (Mai), Kawakami Tomoko (Sayuri), Minaguchi Yuuko (Akiko). Kawasumi Ayako (Kaori) has a event right after but didn't show up during this.

There were a lot of Yukari and Tomoko fans in the crowd, and they yelled their names when they were introduced. I read on 2ch that other people didn't like those fans as they came for the seiyuu and not the show, and take up space in the front (it seems that the people who get in first "reserved" space for friends using bags and such). But they behaved politely during the show (except for the above). 2ch people commented that Horie Yui (who also has a role as Ayu but wasn't there) fans were "more scary" and lucky she didn't show up. (Though I'd like to see her.)

Kisaichi asked the other seiyuus their experience during episode 1, to which Yukari & Tomoko answered, "We do not show up in episode 1..." (Fans: ehhhhh) Yukari shows up on ep.3. Tomoko said she does not show up until ep.4 and she said "I was left behind by Yukari-chan." Yukari replied she only has 2 lines in ep.3.

Yuuko commented about how young Akiko looked animated, and she adjusted her voice as her image of Akiko before she saw the anime was different. Atushi kept repeating that Akiko looked so young that it is okay for the main character (voiced by him) to have a relationship with Akiko, and the other seiyuus got angry :-) at him for being unfaithful.

CM and first TV episode were shown. The character were like those in the game. The story was faithful to the game and not very original. Some BGM from the game were used. There was no OP (or not shown. The voice intro like the beginning of the game was used), and the ED was different from the game and sung by a different artist (not I've, and the seiyuus either).

The seiyuus talked more about the episode. "Doesn't the eyeballs look like they take up 2/3 of the skull?" Yuuko (IIRC) said.

Everyone agreed Akiko looked young. Atushi repeated it would not be strange even if Yuichi and Akiko has a relationship. The female seiyuus poke fun at Atsushi and he said, "some people say they envy me because I'm surrounded by so many female at work, but image yourself in a situation like a male student among a (rowdy) crowd of female classmates in high school and you know what it is actually like," and the (99% male) crowd laughed. The female seiyuus didn't look too amused, though.

Other seiyuus commented a bit about Yuichi's image and Atushi's. Atsushi said, "I don't think we're all that alike." The fans all go "ehhh?!" and the crowd said he is as unfaithful as the main character. Kouda Mariko goes "Yuichi no baka!" which got a loud applause from the crowd.

Kouda Mariko said she started out speaking very slowly but she found herself speaking faster and faster as the recording proceeded. She said she was worried she'd take too much time speaking her lines. Tomoko said it was good since Sayuri shows up later and speaks even slower. One of them (I forgot, I think it was Mariko) said she was worried that "what if the 'paku paku' (mouth movement) ended before I finish my line?"

They announced the animation will be shown in west Japan as well (it was originally announced only for Kanto).

All in all, it was a pleasant afternoon and I'll be watching this series.

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