Aozora de Aishiteru (July 26)

Event Aozora de Aishiteru
Mariko Kouda Special Summer Live 97
Location Yomiuri Land
Date 1997.07.26
Time ??
Cost ??
Guests Kouda Mariko (Ô¢ÉÜÅÄ¥Þ¥ê»Ò)
  • Event report Joe Petrow and Hitoshi Doi, 1997.07.26

Today was the day of the first of two outdoor Kouda Mariko concerts at Yomiuri Amusement Park. It was also the day that a typhoon began to move through Japan. Combine the two, and you have the wettest concert Hitoshi and I have ever gone to.

But the crowd refused to give in to the forces of nature, standing and cheering for the entire concert, half because of adrenalin, and half because their chair (or the grass) was too wet to sit on. Mariko got just as wet as the rest of us, yet refused to let it get her or anybody else down, which earned her a lot of respect in my book.

The fact that neither of our MD recordings came out will probably prevent a full report of this event from ever being done, but she sang 15+ songs from all parts of her repotoire (but no Marmalade Boy), and wore many nice outfits. I kind of expected her to be more Tomo like in her dress and dance routines (ie, more revealing, more mobile), but she still gave a very nice performance.

The scalpers were out in force for this event, selling some very good tickets. If I had money, and it wasn't raining, I would definitely try to go again tomorrow.

No special moments like Aya breaking down in Tokyo, but still a very nice, very entertaining performance.

HD's comments

My backpack was totally soaked so I bought a new one. I also had to buy new shoes. I was going to get a new MD player too, but I ran out of money.

At the concert I bought the following.

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