1 Jikan Akimashita

title 1 Jikan Akimashita (1時間空きました)
date/time 2022.10.21
broadcast niconico, youtube
archive https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Xpvbd3cC1Q
(10 minutes only)
seiyuu Nomura Maiko (野村麻衣子)

This broadcast was a one hour talk show hosted by comedian Tenshin Mukai. The seiyuu guest was Nomura Maiko.

Maiko and Mukai met for the first time at the Onsen Matsuri event the other day. Maiko was a guest, and Mukai was one of the emcees. Maiko said she was very nervous at the event, as there were many people that she hadn't met before.

Mukai said that Washizaki Takeshi, one of the other emcees of the event, told him that Maiko was very interesting, so he asked her to come as a guest to this event.

At the beginning, they talked a lot about Maiko's hometown Yokohama. Maiko likes Yokohama a lot.

Maiko said she lived in Yokohama, but she went to junior high and high school in Tokyo.

Maiko said she liked going to foreign countries, and really likes Hawaii.

Maiko said her first part time work was at a yakitori store when she was in college.

Maiko said she loved singing ever since she was little.

Maiko loves summer, but recently it is getting cooler. She said she likes to walk around the streets that she doesn't know.

When asked what kind of seiyuu she wants to be, Maiko said that she doesn't have any particular type. She said seiyuu work is fun right now, and she wants to enjoy her seiyuu work forever.

[Nomura Maiko broadcasts]

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