Miryoku ni Ochiru Tabi DVD Shousai Happyou Namahousou

title Suganuma Chisa no Miryoku ni Ochiru Tabi DVD Shousai Happyou Namahousou
date/time 2021.06.02 21:00-22:15
broadcast niconico
seiyuu Suganuma Chisa (¿û¾ÂÀé¼Ó)

This was a live broadcast by Suganuma Chisa to give detailed information on her travel DVD. The DVD "Suganuma Chisa no Miryoku ni Ochiru Tabi DVD -Okinawa hen-" will go on sale 7/29 (Chisa's birthday).

There will be three versions of the DVD, a normal version, a channel members version, and a super premium members only version. The super premium members only version will come with an event ticket, for her online 1 on 1 talk event (7/29) or owatashi event (7/31).

Then they showed some video clips of Chisa in Okinawa. They also showed some photos from her 3 day trip to Okinawa.

At around the 30 minute mark, they started watching broadcast 0 of Chisa's show, and Chisa provided a running audio commentary.

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