Suganuma Chisa no Miryoku ni Ochiru Namahousou 26

title Suganuma Chisa no Miryoku ni Ochiru Namahousou 26
date/time 2021.07.28 23:30-
broadcast niconico
seiyuu Suganuma Chisa (¿û¾ÂÀé¼Ó)

This was the 26th broadcast of the solo show by Suganuma Chisa. This was a birthday countdown special, starting at 23:30 on the day before Chisa's birthday.

Chisa was in a large room with lots of balloons and pokemon dolls.

The staff brought some foods for Chisa. It was lots of sashimi, as Chisa loved shellfish. Chisa ate and talked until midnight.

When it got close, Chisa counted down the last few seconds and celebrated her birthday. Then Chisa got some fruits instead of cake.

Chisa said that her song "Mr. Fallin" that she wrote the lyrics for got released on many of the music sites.

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