Suganuma Chisa no Miryoku ni Ochiru Namahousou 39

title Suganuma Chisa no Miryoku ni Ochiru Namahousou 39
date/time 2022.09.26
broadcast niconico
host Suganuma Chisa (¿û¾ÂÀé¼Ó)
guests Yamazaki Erii (»³ºê¥¨¥ê¥¤)

This was the 39th broadcast of the solo show by Suganuma Chisa.

The guest was Yamazaki Erii.

Chisa read Erii's profile and they talked. Erii was a finalist in the 36th Hori Pro Talent Scout Caravan Jisedai Seiyuu Artist Audition. Erii said that the training that she had to go through was very difficult.

Erii is in the middle of a fan club live tour right now. She will go to 11 locations, and 3 are already finished. The next live will be in Osaka.

Erii will have a birthday event on 11/13.

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