Suganuma Chisa no Miryoku ni Ochiru Namahousou 56

title Suganuma Chisa no Miryoku ni Ochiru Namahousou 54
date/time 2024.01.24
broadcast niconico
host Suganuma Chisa (¿û¾ÂÀé¼Ó)
guests Ohkuma Wakana (Âç·§ÏÂÁÕ)

This was the 56th broadcast of the solo show by Suganuma Chisa.

The guest was Ohkuma Wakana.

Chisa and Wakana first met at the Ijigen Fes event, but they didn't get to talk that much at that time. They really talked for the first time today.

Chisa said that Wakana must have done a lot of dancing, and Wakana said that she did jazz dance when she was little. Then she did ballet when she was in high school.

Chisa also did classic ballet when she was little.

Wakana said she loves salmon, and eats it everyday.

Wakana said that the bluray for her show went on sale today.

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