8 Beat Story in Mixchannel 3

title 8 Beat Story in Mixchannel 3
date/time 2021.02.18
broadcast mixchannel
archive members only
seiyuu Nomura Maiko (Ìî¼Ëã°á»Ò)

This was the third broadcast of 8 Beat Story in Mixch. The guest was Nomura Maiko.

This was a show where one of the 8 Beat Story seiyuu talks about their songs with some members of the music staff. There are four or more parts, and the first two are free. The rest are for members only.

In the free broadcast, with was over one hour, Maiko and the staff talked about the 2_wEi songs "Despair" and "Basement".

2_wEi's first single "Keep it Trill" went on sale 2/17.

2_wEi will have a special in person live on 3/7.

[8 Beat Story broadcasts]

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