8 Beat Story News 101

title 8 Beat Story News 101
date/time 2024.03.02 18:00-
broadcast niconico
archive members only
seiyuu Nomura Maiko (Ìî¼Ëã°á»Ò)
Morishita Rana (¿¹²¼ÍèÆà)

This was the 101th broadcast of 8 Beat Story News. The hosts were Nomura Maiko and Morishita Rana.

Maiko and Rana were both wearing panda design T-shirts.

Maiko and Rana will have a 2_wEi web signing session after this broadcast.

In the first corner, they played the "new" synchro game. Usually Maiko and Rana had to match their answers, but now they had to match the answers with the viewers too.

[8 Beat Story broadcasts]

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