8 Beat Story News 43

title 8 Beat Story News 43
date/time 2019.05.27
broadcast niconico
archive members only
seiyuu Waki Azumi (ÏÂÝ椢¤ºÌ¤)
Yoshimura Nanami
Sawada Miharu (ß·ÅÄÈþÀ²)

This was the 43rd broadcast of 8 Beat Story News. The hosts were Waki Azumi, Yoshimura Nanami, and Sawada Miharu.

This was the first time that the first years were together for this broadcast.

They played a quiz game, where each seiyuu wrote part of the answer and they all had to make the complete word.

Next they gave out some new information on 8 BeatStory.

Then they read mails. While they were talking, the staff brought out some french fries, so they ate while talking.

The last corner was a drawing game.

[8 Beat Story broadcasts]

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