8 Beat Story News 58

title 8 Beat Story News 58
date/time 2020.02.07
broadcast niconico
archive members only
seiyuu Kusunoki Tomori (ÆïÌڤȤâ¤ê)
Suganuma Chisa (¿û¾ÂÀé¼Ó)

This was the 58th broadcast of 8 Beat Story News. The hosts were Kusunoki Tommori and Suganuma Chisa.

Tomori and Chisa met each other for the first time today.

There was a picture drawing battle between Tomori and Chisa. Tomori said she was pretty good at drawing, but Chisa said she was pretty bad. They drew a dragon, this year's animal (a mouse), and a police car.

[8 Beat Story broadcasts]

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