8 Beat Story News 73

title 8 Beat Story News 73
date/time 2021.07.13
broadcast niconico
archive members only
seiyuu Yamashita Nanami (»³²¼¼·³¤)
Yoshimura Nanami

This was the 73rd broadcast of 8 Beat Story News. The hosts were Yamashita Nanami and Yoshimura Nanami.

They set the hosts for this broadcast to be the two Nanamis, as this was broadcast 73 (nana-mi). They played some games related to "73".

The first game was to stop the stopwatch at 7.3 or 7.73 seconds. Yamashita Nanami got 7.19, which was her birthday. Both Nanamis tried several times, but they couldn't get it exactly.

Next they played cards. They had to pull a 7 and 3 at the same time from a shuffled pile of cards. But they couldn't get this either.

After the games, Yamashita Nanami got some birthday present desserts. Nanami said she will have a birthday broadcast on 7/18.

There will be a special 8 Beat Story broadcast on 8/8, for the 5th anniversary of 8 Beat Story.

Then they read some mails.

Next there was a dice corner. The dice had only "na" or "mi" on it. There were 4 "na" and 2 "mi" on each die. They had to roll the dice and get "na na mi" in that order.

[8 Beat Story broadcasts]

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