8 Beat Story News 89

title 8 Beat Story News 89
date/time 2023.03.03
broadcast niconico
archive members only
seiyuu Nomura Maiko (Ìî¼Ëã°á»Ò)
Morishita Rana (¿¹²¼ÍèÆà)

This was the 89th broadcast of 8 Beat Story News. The hosts were Nomura Maiko and Morishita Rana.

This was a broadcast of a public recording event. There were many cameras, a full view camera from the back of the room, and also individual cameras for each seiyuu. They used a split screen view to show closeups of both seiyuu.

This was weeknight event, so Maiko and Rana were worried if there would be enough people at the event. But it was pretty full.

The first corner was the survey corner. Then they read mails and talked about the previous broadcasts by Maiko and Rana.

In the game corner, Maiko and Rana had to do ping pong lifting. If Maiko and Rana can do more than 22 combined, their food at the next event will be better. They said that the food was already pretty good, so they asked for desserts.

For the game, they each had two tries, with a U shaped object, and a real ping pong racket. Their scores were as follows. They didn't succeed on their first try, so the staff gave them a second chance with the racket. Then they cleared the target.

seiyuu U object racket 1 racket 2
Maiko 0 4 9
Rana 1 5 6

The free part of the broadcast was around 50 minutes.

[8 Beat Story broadcasts]

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