8 Beat Story News 95

title 8 Beat Story News 95
date/time 2023.09.28
broadcast niconico
archive members only
seiyuu Amano Satomi (Å·ÌîÁïÈþ)
Yoshimura Nanami

This was the 95th broadcast of 8 Beat Story News. The hosts were Amano Satomi and Yoshimura Nanami.

Satomi and Nanami were wearing the new 8 Beat Story T-shirts.

In the first corner, they played a game where they had to match words.

Next they read mails and talked for a bit.

After that there were no new game announcements, and they went to the last game corner. They played a game where they could only use Japanese words. They weren't allowed to use katakana words or English or guestures.

[8 Beat Story broadcasts]

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