Idoly Pride Namahousou

title Idoly Pride Namahousou
date/time 2024.01.27 19:00-21:00
broadcast youtube, others
hosts Toyosaki Aki (Ë­ºê°¦À¸)
Tachibana Mirai
Natsume Kokona

This was a live broadcast for the game and anime Idoly Pride. The hosts were Toyosaki Aki, Tachibana Mirai, and Natsume Kokona.

They gave out information on the Hatsune Miku Collaboration, which was starting 1/29.

The Idoly Pride TV anime will be available on youtube until 2/20.

They also talked about the Zepp Tour live that just ended. They also showed some pictures from the lives.

[seiyuu specials for TV anime on the Internet]
[anime pre-air TV specials]

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