Kami ha News ni Ueteiru

title "Kami ha Game ni Ueteiru" Housou Chokuzen Kami ha News ni Ueteiru
date/time 2024.03.03
broadcast youtube
archive https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8I8gr3PErOQ
hosts Shimazaki Nobunaga (島崎信長)
Kitou Akari (鬼頭明里)
Tachibana Hina (立花日菜)
Nakamura Kanna

This was a broadcast for the upcoming TV anime Kami ha Game ni Ueteiru (神は遊戯[ゲーム]に飢えている). The seiyuu hosts were Shimazaki Nobunaga, Kitou Akari, Tachibana Hina, and Nakamura Kanna.

There was a preview broadcast of episodes 1 to 3 prior to this seiyuu broadcast, which wasn't archived.

In the seiyuu part, they showed some scenes from episodes 1 to 3, and talked about the story and characters.

The ending song "I'm Game" is sung by Hina, and it's her solo singing debut. The CD will go on sale 6/12.

In the second half of the broadcast, the seiyuu played a game of concentration with the cards on the white board. The seiyuu had to speak according to the topics written on the cards.

The TV anime will start on 4/1.

There will be an event for this anime at the Anime Japan event on 3/23, at the Kadokawa Booth. The seiyuu guests will be Shimazaki Nobunaga, Kitou Akari, and Nakamura Kanna.

They will also pass out a large shopping bag at the Anime Japan event.

[seiyuu specials for TV anime on the Internet]
[anime pre-air TV specials]

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