Selection Project 4

title Selection Project 4
date/time 2021.12.04
broadcast niconico, youtube
seiyuu Shirakawa Mizuna
Hanai Miharu (²Ö°æÈþ½Õ)
Shimoji Shino (²¼ÃÏ»çÌî)

This was the 4th live broadcast by the seiyuu of the anime Selection Project. The hosts were Shirakawa Mizuna, Hanai Miharu, and Shimoji Shino.

The first half was free, and the second half was for members only.

The three seiyuu were wearing the outfits for the sub group Gaps Caps.

The first corner was a review of episodes 8 to 10.

Then the seiyuu did a short dance lesson for the song "Noisy Monster".

There will be a museum and outfit exhibit at Gamers Akihabara from 12/21 to 1/10.

[seiyuu specials for TV anime on the Internet]
[anime pre-air TV specials]

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