Shangri-La Frontier Channel 2

title Shangri-La Frontier Channel 2
date/time 2021.08.24
seiyuu Waki Azumi (ÏÂÝ椢¤ºÌ¤)

This was the second broadcast of Shangri-La Frontier Channel, hosted by Waki Azumi. This video was around 14 minutes.

Azumi went to the editorial department. Azumi talked to Mr. Inoue, one of the editors of Shangri-La Frontier.

They asked why Azumi was chosen as the ambassador. Mr. Inoue replied that Azumi is in three Shounen Magazine anime and Shangri-La Frontier is about games (which Azumi likes).

Then they went to the office and looked at Mr. Inoue's workdesk.

[Shangri-La Frontier Channel]

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