Shangri-La Frontier Channel 5

title Shangri-La Frontier Channel 5
date/time 2021.09.14
seiyuu Waki Azumi (ÏÂÝ椢¤ºÌ¤)

This was the 5th broadcast of Shangri-La Frontier Channel, hosted by Waki Azumi. This video was around 15 minutes.

Azumi was back in the meeting room, and they started a new topic. They were going to talk about Shangri-La Frontier. The editor Mr. Inoue came as a guest.

After talking about the Shangri-La Frontier manga, Azumi drew a picture of the character Sanraku.

At the end of the broadcast, the staff brought some desserts for Azumi, as it was Azumi's birthday (9/8).

[Shangri-La Frontier Channel]

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