Sura Tube 10

title Sura Tube 10
date/time 2022.03.28
broadcast youtube
seiyuu Toono Hikaru (遠野ひかる)
Ohmori Nichika (大森日雅)

This was the 10th broadcast (pre-recorded) by the seiyuu group Surachanzu. Surachanzu is made up by the main seiyuu of the TV anime Tensei Kenja no Isekai Life (転生賢者の異世界ライフ). The hosts were Toono Hikaru and Ohmori Nichika

This video was around 15 minutes.

In this video, Hikaru and Nichika talked about the anime. They pulled out character types out of a box, and talked in the character.

The logo on the broadcast changed to say that the TV anime will start in July 2022.

[Sura Tube]

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