Wataten Precious Friends Mousugu Koukai

title Watashi ni Tenshi ga Maiorita Precious Friends Mousugu Koukai
date/time 2022.09.03 20:00-21:10
broadcast youtube
hosts Ueda Reina (¾åÅÄÎïÆà)
Lynn (¤ê¤ó)
Sashide Maria (»Ø½ÐÝÜ°¡)
Nagae Rika (Ĺ¹¾Î¤²Ã)
Kitou Akari (µ´Æ¬ÌÀΤ)
Ohwada Hitomi (ÂçÏÂÅÄ¿ÎÈþ)
Ohzora Naomi (Âç¶õľÈþ)

This was a live broadcast for the anime movie Watashi ni Tenshi ga Maiorita! Precious Friends.

The seiyuu hosts were Ueda Reina, Lynn, Sashide Maria, Nagae Rika, Kitou Akari, Ohwada Hitomi, and Ohzora Naomi. It was the first time that everyone together in a live broadcast.

First they talked about the anime.

The group Wataten 5 sings the opening song "Precious Friends". They showed a short clip of the promo video, and also many photos of the video shooting.

The Sound Collection CD will go on sale 10/12, and there are two versions of the CD.

The Wataten 5 2nd Oneman Live will take place on 10/30.

The anime movie will start on 10/14, and the tickets are on sale now. There are two types of special tokuten tickets, one with a clear file and one with a clear case.

There is a collaboration with Atre Akihabara between 9/1 and 9/15, and they showed a lot of the goods.

[seiyuu specials for TV anime on the Internet]
[anime pre-air TV specials]

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